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Tuesday, September 20, 2011 , Learning Log 7
Hi!! When I first heard about this project, the first thing that came to my mind was that I wanted to be the nurse. I don't really know why but I just seem to like the character although it does not really stand out. Maybe that's why I liked it. I remembered that when we chose our group's Romeo and Juliet, we wanted Sanjna to be the Juliet. Then, since Sanjna is an indian (I think), Phania made Anirwin to be the Romeo as he is also an Indian. That's why our theme was Bollywood. At first I think that our group's theme was a little funny and awkward since other groups were doing modern style, but after a while, I found that our group was unique! We practiced our roles in normal modern kind of style but for our props, costume and make-up, we did the Bollywood style. I really wanted to thank Phania's mother for taking the time out to help us with the make-up although the make-up was too thick, especially the lips. But Sanjna's make-up was perfect (at least I think so)! She really looked like a royalty, so many thanks to Phania's mother again. I think that she was the only parent who bothered to come and help out with our play.

During our practice, we were unsure of how and what to do at first so we just followed our feelings and just act it out in front of everybody. In the beginning, everyone was a little shy to act it out in front of the group members but Phania encouraged us to just do our best and she will heip us since she is the director. Not only Phania gave tips to some of the actings, other members also gave their advice on certain ways of portraiting the characters' character. For example, Tybalt needs to be hot headed and cruel. Thus, we gave many advice on how Justin should act as Tybalt and for Romeo, he needs to be sweet but daring. This is how we helped one another out in this project.

On the actual day of the play, since we were the first group, we were given ample time, starting from the 2 english periods to 3 o'clock (the rest of the classes, especially Respect will be very envious of us if they knew that we were preparing for the play while they were studying!), to prepare and rehearse for the last time. During the play, I was quite relieved as Justin managed to get his dance steps and rythm correctly. I must admit that I was anxious the whole time he was dancing. The Capulet and cousin's part was fine. Romeo's part was fine too, but Justin just had stand too far out of the space given. Otherwise, everything was fine! I was quite happy with my performance and the rest of the members too as we did not forgot or said our lines wrongly. Even the part where Tybalt was arguing with Capulet went smooth as during our practice, their lines were always not smooth. Therefore, I was quite happy with the performance that day.

I will HIGHLY recccommend this project to our juniors as the whole process was fun and fruitful. I can say for sure that they will regret it if they did not participate in this project. They will really really regret it. Although there may be some conflicts in the group itself or among other groups, everything is just part and parcel of life. "Be open and just take it as a good experience learnt. More importantly. enjoy the process!" That's what Mrs Woo will say. =)

Lastly, I would also like to take this chance to apologise to any groups which our group may have unknowingly offended. Sorry, and let bygones be bygones. =) And also, I would like to thank everyone who has helped out in this Literature project. Thank you!!

can you Love me or hate me... 7:05 AM

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011 , Learning Log 6
Literary devices are devices that the writer use to convey his or her meaning of a story or poem to the reader. These literary devices include imaginery, dictation and prose techniques thus, the effects shown to the readers will be different and will have different effects on them.

For example, a simile like 'as playful as a kitten'. This phrase make me think that the kitten is really cute and nice and not one to be violent. Let's take a look at another example. A methaphor like 'The teacher thundered at the class'. This sentence tells me that the teacher is really angry at the students in the class, most probably because some students misbehaved. There is also one literary device which made the deepest impression for me, and that is the 'incomplete sentence' device. To say the truth, when I first saw this device, I was dumbfounded. I kept thinking 'why is this part of a literary device?' Even though till now, I still don't get it.

Lastly, i think that there are really lots of literary devices out there in the world and of course, there are many of them which I do not know of. But some of them are really interesting, like oxymoron!

can you Love me or hate me... 11:22 PM

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Saturday, July 30, 2011 , Learning Log 5
After reading the unseen poem booklet, I realised that doing unseen questions are not as simple as I thought it would be. Especially since I would have to read slowly enough to digest what the persona is trying to relate to us. I also learnt that one should read the unseen poem for at least two times in order to find the word, phrase or sentence that grabs one attention the most. Apart from all these steps i mentioned above, imagining and trying to decipher what the persona is trying to say also plays a part in helping us answer unseen questions. When trying to understand what the persona is trying to say,we need to put ourselved in the persona's shoes and think what made him or her said this. Then, we need to express our feelings and show the relevance of our feelings to the text as these are the keys to answering unseen questions better.

To answer the unseen questions, of course we would need to quote from the text. But how do we know what to quote and what not to quote? We would need to use the ABC method. First, we should pick the words or phrases that draws our attention the most. Next, keep the quotation brief. If the quotation is too long, the examiner might think that the quote was 'copied and pasted' and then it shows that we did not understand the passage. Lastly, contextualise the evidence.

After knowing the skills to read and answer unseen poems and questions, i realised that I have not been doing any of these last year when we did our first unseen questions. but now I know how to answer unseen questions and read unseen poems properly, doing well in this section might be a little less difficult compared to last year.

can you Love me or hate me... 6:52 PM

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Saturday, April 16, 2011 , Learning Log 4
I was grouped with Kelvin and Qiherng for the Macbeth performance. Our first discussion was during a literature period. At first, I never talked much to Kelvin as I am not really very familiar with him but after a while, we were discussing about all the crazy ideas we can think off. For example, bringing a pot to school and adding coke and mentos in it to make a volcano effect. After that, we went to buy the materials needed and that is when all the troubles come in when we started doing the props. Kelvin did the 'crows on branches', Qiherng did the lightning and I did the costume. At first, I was told to spray the poncho with black paint but it did not work very well as firstly, the paint is smelly. Secondly, the paint is harmful and last, the paint will peel off after it dried. So my parents ended up buying cloth to make our costume.

As for the performance, it was better than I expected because we did not really practised for it so I am quite happy with the results, although we were not the best. The performance was also a great experience for me as it increase me confidence a little. I did not expect myself to act in front of all my friends. All in all, I am happy with the performance and I had a really great time watching the other performances too. I am begining to look forward to the next play, Romeo and Juliet.

can you Love me or hate me... 11:16 PM

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011 , Learning Log 3
This week, we have 10 groups going up to the front of the class to present some predictions, which did or did not happen to them. Well, most of them are fakes, anyway. I learnt that predictions are not always true as scientifically, you cannot know what will happen to you or the people around you in the future.

The lesson was quite interesting as I have heard many predictions from my friends although they were somewhat the same. An example is the prediction that Iqbal told us. he said that his friend told him that there would be a ten dollar note under his bed, but Iqbal did not believe his friend. But after much persuasion by his friend, Iqbal looked under his bed and to his surprise, he really did found a ten dollar note. He then asked his friend how he knew that there would be a ten dollar note under his bed and his friend said that he dreamt of it. (This is not true) Things like predictions are really hard to explain by using scientific theory, right?

The lesson was okay, and I enjoyed it. Everybody's presentation was interesting and the whole lesson was fun.

can you Love me or hate me... 5:56 AM

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Friday, January 28, 2011 , Learning Log 2
In the last lesson, I learnt about superstitions. Personally, I don't believe in superstitions, but the older generations maybelieve in them. At class, we discussed that it may be because something happened to a particular person or family when they did something and then, they spreaded the rumours. For example, do not sweep the floor during Chinese New Year as you will sweep away all the luck. Learning about superstitions helps a little in the play, Macbeth,that we are going to act. For instance, witches usually dress in black because they represents bad luck or evil. This is shown when Macbeth died in the end because he met the witches.

For the lesson, I think that it was interesting because I got to hear many different kinds of superstitions when we shared our research with the class. Most of the superstitions were related with bad luck. I wonder why?

As for suggestions, I don't think I have any as I think that the lesson was quite fun, like getting some students up to act as the three witches. I think that my friends were really brave as I would not be able to do it with the whole class looking at me. This also trains up our confidence. All in all, it was a good lesson.

can you Love me or hate me... 4:32 AM

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Thursday, January 20, 2011 , Learning Log 1
I learnt about cinquain, a five line poem, on the first lesson of literature. The word 'cinquain' is derieved from the French word cinq, which means five.The first line is the title which consist of a word, the second line is the description consisting of two words. Line three consist of three action words while line four consist of four words that describes our feelings. Last but not least, the fifth line consist of a word based on our reflection on the title. For example,
Thick, thin
Joy on reading words

I think that the lesson was enjoyable, especially group work. Group work allows me to interact with my friends and exchange ideas while we discuss about the project.

Personally, I do not have any suggestions for improvement as I think the lesson was good enough. But I think that having more group work is better as we can know each other better during our discussion on the project.

can you Love me or hate me... 3:31 AM

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